Nephelometer: ARM Climate Research Facility

Kategorie: Beweisfotos

Cessna 206 - Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Aerial Vehicle Program (AVP), ARM Climate Research Facility:

„To meet new requirements in the airborne aerosol and carbon-cycle measurements taken over ARM’s Southern Great Plains (SGP) site, a new Cessna Turbo 206 is replacing the smaller Cessna 172XP.“

„While the Cessna 172 optics rack only had two nephelometers, the Cessna 206 will be equipped with four. These extra nephelometers will provide scattering data at two additional relative humidities, which give much better measurements of aerosol hygroscopic growth.“

Wikipedia: Nephelometer

„Ein Nephelometer ist ein Messgerät zur Bestimmung der Suspension von kleinen Partikeln in einer Flüssigkeit oder einem Gaskolloid.“