Falsche Verwendung:
99106, eine C-130, sprüht Wasser zur Simulation von Pestizid-Ausbringungen.
A highly-modified U.S. Air Force Reserve C-130 aircraft, assigned to the 910th Airlift Wing, sprays water, simulating a pesticide solution, during a field exercise as part of the Department of Defense Aerial Spray Course at the Lee County Mosquito Control District flightline, Lehigh Acres, Fla., Jan. 16, 2013. According to the 910th’s entomologists, the purpose of the exercise was to determine how wide of an area on the ground is being effectively treated by an aerial spray aircraft and how effectively the sprayed product is being delivered to the target area. The course is a certification requirement for pest management specialists involved in the aerial spraying of products designed to destroy disease-carrying creatures. The 910th, based at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio, is home to DoD’s only aerial spray mission and the team brought their unique knowledge to the course for the benefit of those participating in the event. U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Bob Barko Jr.
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